I can help
you with...

I can help
you with...

1:1 Coaching

For those who want to find out what else they're capable of, beyond the success they've already experienced, and are ready to pay the costs to grow into their potential.

Organizational Coaching & Training

Create a team culture that seems mythical -- one where everyone not only experiences results-driven success but deep fulfillment, as well.

Coach Training

For those who want to master the craft of transformational coaching and build a multiple-six and seven-figure practice.

At the end of the day, it's about making something that didn't exist before.​​

And the results speak for themselves:

My clients have recently:

  • Broken organizational sales records
  • Raised over $600,000 as a first time fundraiser in less than 5 months
  • Tripled top line revenue
  • Increased profitability by 1500%
  • Landed and serviced projects that they didn’t think were possible when we began
  • Landed a TV & documentary deal
  • Launched a new, revolutionary healthcare model in their county
And more…

“I directly attribute a $250,000 profit to my investment with Joseph. If you’re a skeptic like I was, get over it; that’s a surefire sign you need it.”

Ray T.
Managing Partner

Coaching Hours
1 +
Average ROI
1 %
Training Hours
1 +
Renewal Rate
1 %

Still Curious?

If you’re ready to get serious about pursuing results that feel out of your reach, let’s set up a no-cost, no-obligation VISION CALL and together we will figure out whether coaching with Joseph is for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How often would we meet for coaching sessions and how long are they?

We would meet 3x per month (approximately every 10 days) for 45-minutes each session.

How long is a typical coaching contract?

A typical coaching relationship is contracted for no fewer than 6 months and up to 12 months. 

Does coaching happen in-person or virtually?

Expect that all of our calls will be virtual. If we are local I will meet with you in person on request. 

What does coaching cost? 

My clients currently pay between $2000 and $3000/month to work with me. One of the first questions we’ll explore is what ROI you would create through coaching that would make this a bargain.

By being a member of the Novus Global team, I can connect you to a coach that fits any budget. 

How do I know whether to do coaching or therapy?

The best answer I’ve heard to this question comes from my friend and colleague, Janet Breitenbach.


What is organizational coaching & training? 

When leadership within an organization wants to grow their team members to achieve specific organizational outcomes, they will hire our team of Novus Global coaches to facilitate that growth and accomplish those outcomes. This typically looks like a two-day in-person training with 9-12 months of coaching for key team members.

Can I pick just training or just coaching for my team?

Occasionally we will work with a team for one or the other, yet we have seen that coaching without training increases the amount of time for key concepts to take root, delaying results and training without coaching will create enthusiasm and energy that is not sustained to achieve results.

How much does this service cost?

Each organizational contract is different. We have seen that most organizations will dedicate 1% of top-line revenue to professional development strategies like coaching and training. Some factors that impact the cost of hiring Novus Global are: 

  • the level of trainers hired
  • the level of coaches hired
  • amount of team members receiving coaching
  • group or individual coaching
  • duration of contract

We customize the services we offer to the specific outcomes you want to accomplish through coaching.


What if I want to become a coach? 

Let’s set up a conversation about our training program at The Meta Performance Institute. It is the only transformational coaching program that also directly equips you with the business development skills that the top 1% of coaches in the world employ to build multiple six and seven figure coaching practices.

What if I already have a coaching practice – how do you help me get better or grow my practice?

While I’d still recommend our training program at The Meta Performance Institute, I also coach coaches individually toward their thrilling outcomes. If you’re a coach who doesn’t have a coach, or if your coach isn’t helping you accomplish your outcomes in the timeframe you want, let’s talk.

How long have you been coaching?

Since October 2018

Do you have a coach? 

Currently, I have three coaches and a mentor. 

Is there a specific industry you serve?

No. I’ve coached professional chefs, automotive manufacturers, lawyers, architects, heads of school, sales directors, non-profit execs, elected officials, pastors, and more. The common thread is that everyone I’ve coached is human.